Math fact fluency takes a lot of practice! Learning addition facts with sums to 20 is a skill students should have mastered by the end of second grade. Yet, there are many incoming third graders that still don’t know their basic facts.
Developing strong number sense begins early on, and first and second grade students learn a variety of strategies to help them “see numbers” (subitize) and understand efficient ways of adding.
As busy teachers, it can be hard to find fun and interactive ways for students to practice these strategies throughout the year. This is why I have created a variety of addition games to help students practice their fact fluency as well as keep them excited about math!
As students play these games/activities, they have a chance to practice using the strategies that I have worked so hard to teach them throughout the year. There are six different activities that I want to share with you and of course a FREEBIE to try out!
Each activity includes single fact family practice (+1, +2, etc. up to +12) as well as mixed fact practice up to +12. Here are the activities…
1. Fact Land – This is a fun puzzle like game where students solve their way through the “land” collecting tokens along the way.
2. Rolling Facts – Students can play in partners and take turns rolling two dice and adding the numbers together. Then, they add that sum to a particular fact family…+2, +3, +4, etc.. This can be played individually too!
3. Fact Pop – Solve addition problems and search for them in the bubble grid! Students “pop” the equation by coloring, X-ing, or dot marking it out.
4. Addition Hoops – For all my basketball fans out there, students find the two addends in the basketballs that make up the sum in each hoop.
5. Cut & Solve – Math + fine motor! students have to figure out which numbers complete the fact family shown.
6. Addition Gumballs – Students solve the gumballs and search for a particular sum. I love to put this activity in a dry erase pocket and let students solve and cover correct gumballs with counters or mini erasers.
Want to try these activities out? I put together a fun (and FREE) sample set of each activity for you…
If you’re ready for all the addition fun, you can grab the ADDITION FACT FUN BUNDLE, which will also give you a BONUS set of Addition Fact Flips…just another tool in my math fact toolbox for engaging kiddos in fact practice.
Vanessa says
Thank you for the freebies! I can’t wait to use these with my son. I’m looking forward to seeing him have fun in math.