This simple clip turn-in basket is one of my favorite classroom management tools ever! This sweet little basket is what finally freed up my recess time, so I wasn’t spending the first half of it sifting through homework, figuring out which students did or did not turn in their homework.
Not only is this turn-in basket super easy to make, it also lends itself nicely to being a student “job,” so that students are in charge of the clips each day. If your students have class numbers, then all you need to do is number 32 (or however many students you have) clothespins with a sharpie, and get a turn-in basket. Clip half of the clips on one side of the basket and the other half on the other side. *If you do not use class numbers, you can simply write student names on the clips and organize them in alphabetical order (great for ABC order practice).
When students come in first thing in the morning, they clip their numbered clip to their homework and place it in the basket.
This way you can quickly see which students have not turned in their homework. I would usually grab the remaining clips off the basket and call those students over at the beginning of recess to discuss their missing homework.
My class “Clip Monitor” would be in charge of unclipping the homework, sorting it (if it was more than one page) and replacing the clips onto the correct side of the basket. What a time-saver for me!!!
What kind of turn-in basket do you use? I would love to see a picture! You can tag me on Instagram @InspiredElementary with your pics.
I hope you’ve been INSPIRED!
Anonymous says
What a great idea! It beats the checklist I've been using!
Lisa Van Gemert says
That's absolutely fantastic!
Kirsten Rendon says
Where did you find your baskets?