Do you look for ways to increase your classroom participation? Do you have students that blurt out, or the same handful of students that tend to raise their hands and answer your questions over and over? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then I have the most amazing student-engagement tool for you!
Meet Silent Response Cards…they can be used in any classroom, at any grade level, for any subject!
These cards allow every student in the class to participate at the same time. They also allow you to very quickly check for student understanding on any given subject. By having each card a different color, you will be able to scan the room and in seconds see which students need more teaching and which students are getting it.
Simply choose which cards from the set you would like to use. You will print them double-sided and laminate them for long-term use. Once these cards are prepped, they should last you a minimum of five years (mine are ten years old)! I recommend storing them in table caddies, so students can quickly access them at any given point in the day.
We use Silent Response Cards often for math warm-ups, in small groups for reading response activities, any time we need to review for a test or quiz, for fun true/false brain breaks, and so much more. Students love using Silent Response Cards and here’s what teachers are saying about them…
“My students love them, and it’s so easy for me to track their responses.”
“Incredibly useful tool for the variety of thinkers in my classroom.”
“This resource is a great way to make students accountable for themselves and their answers to your questions. This is also a great way for them to assess themselves and not look around the classroom to see how their friends are answering. This is a great way to get students engaged in the lesson!”
You can GRAB YOUR SET HERE and I would love for you to leave me a comment and let me know what your students think of them.
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